What is the SMITE TIER LIST? |
Smite is one of the best MOBA games available on PC. There are loads of options available to play when it comes to MOBA(PC) but SMite has its own zone and world. I have played plenty of MOBA games on mobile and PC but to be honest, SMITE is in another league. There are various modes, challenges, skills characters, classes and teams with massive potential and entertainment. As I already said there are plenty of game modes, various pantheons and classes with 100+ gods to play. our team has tested different gods with different classes on plenty of multiple accounts to filter the best tier list for smite. we have generated this smite tier list on the basis of their abilities, overall character roles and our personal experience and opinion of a specific god. it has nothing to do with personal choice and favourite god etc, |
SMITE TIER LIST Explanation |
As we know SMITE has lots of gods and various classes to play. And if you are new to the game you may be wondering about the most powerful character or class of the SMITE. There are 100s of things to do in this MOBA game. We can classify the tier list for SMITE into different categories like best tier list for smite in general, best god in smite, best class in smite, class tier list in smite, smite duel tier list, and joust tier list in skite. but in this post, we are going to cover the smite Tier List in general. But we will gonna cover all other tier lists in other posts too. The following SMITE Tier List guide ranks the Gods into the following tiers; TIER 1- OP TIER 2- Best TEIR 3- Good TIER 4- Average Tier 5- Below Average |
S TIER RANK • Guan Yu • Tsukuyomi • Danzaburuou • Set • King Arthur • Sun Wukong A TIER RANK • Yu Huang • Lancelot • Charybdis • Ullr • Ymir • Fafnir B TIER RANK • Mulan • Achilles • Zeus • Ah Muzen Cab • Chronos • Discordia C TIER RANK • Cernunnos • Terra • Hercules • Baby Yaga • Medusa • Atlas D TIER RANK • Ah Puch • Amaterasu • Loki • Anubis |
In our SMITE Tier List, Tier Rank S is obviously the most powerful and comprehensive unit of the game. As we have Guan on the top of the list bcoz he is the best laner and Crowd Controller of the entire game. He has some deadly attacks, aggression, agility power, and crown control capabilities. Tsukuyomi is best when it comes to 1 vs 1 situations He has the best ability in the game to reduce mana and cooldown of the skills. Set, King and sun all have their best and most powerful abilities like overpowered strength, damage etc. Very similarly, we have listed all gods with specific ranks and tiers according to their roles, power, and abilities on the battlefield. Some people may not agree with the correct tier list bcoz for some players lancelot can perform better than king so they may suggest placing lancelot in the S tier, not King and that is 100% understandable. So, that’s all about our Smite tier list. if you think you have a better idea and information about the superior tier list or if you have tested a specific unit in a specific team where it performs far better. then let us know in the comment section. we will check and add your suggestions to our list so entire communities can get benefit from the perfect SMITE tier list. |