Reverse:1999 6-Star Pull Guide Pick The Best Free 6-Star

Reverse:1999 6-Star Pull Guide Pick The Best Free 6-Star

The highly anticipated game Reverse:1999 is on the horizon, and as any seasoned player knows, securing the right 6-star unit from the get-go can significantly impact your early game experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will dissect the available 6-star units, providing you with invaluable insights on which ones you should be aiming for to ensure an optimized gaming experience.

Beginner’s Banner

The Beginner’s Banner is your gateway to obtaining a 6-star unit with just 30 pulls, guaranteeing one of three possible units: Eternity, Lilya, or Regulus. Let’s delve into each of these options:


Recommendation level: ★★★★★★


Eternity stands as the undisputed champion of the Beginner’s Banner. Her ability to single-handedly tackle stages is a game-changer. Eternity excels at clearing story stages and early farming, even extending her prowess into mid-to-late-game content. Acquiring Eternity as your first 6-star unit will save you a wealth of resources that would otherwise be squandered assembling makeshift teams. For those who seek a seamless start without extensive rerolling, Eternity is the top pick.


Recommendation level: ★★★★☆☆

Lilya is a high-damage dealer, but there’s a caveat: she relies on landing critical hits for her maximum potential. Unfortunately, achieving consistent crits requires high levels of Insight, Resonance, and Psychube Thundering Applause. This means she doesn’t perform at her best during the early stages. Furthermore, in the current endgame, where enemies boast formidable crit defense, her theoretical high damage falls short. While Lilya remains usable, she falls short of superiority.



Recommendation level: ★★★☆☆☆

Regulus is not your typical carry unit. As an AP-Generous DPM, she shines when supported by teammates who can utilize the extra APs she generates. Her early-game performance is lackluster, and even in late-game scenarios, her effectiveness hinges on your team composition. With the right teammates, she serves as an exceptional sub-DPS, but for newcomers to the game, Regulus is not the ideal choice.

Standard Banner

For those unsatisfied with the Beginner’s Banner options, the Standard Banner offers a chance to obtain any of the 6-star units available at launch. Be aware that the odds of securing your desired unit with a few pulls are slim, making rerolling on this banner suitable for seasoned gacha players with ample time and patience.



Recommendation level: ★★★★★★

Centurion emerges as the standout damage dealer in the game’s initial roster. Her ability to accumulate moxie and deliver devastating blows makes her invaluable, regardless of your current progression. Centurion excels in both single-target and multi-target scenarios, making her the prime choice for rerolling on the Standard Banner.

An-an Lee

Recommendation level: ★★★★★☆


An-an Lee claims the title of the game’s most well-rounded support unit. She provides both damage and survival buffs to the entire team. With self-skill leveling, she demands minimal AP to deal respectable damage. Her ability to seamlessly alternate between buff and damage modes makes her a versatile addition to any team. In terms of long-term value, An-an Lee is the premier unit available at game launch.

A Knight

Recommendation level: ★★★★☆☆

A Knight’s afflatus is spirit, rendering him effective against most enemies but not exceptional against any. His performance relies on controlling enemy HP to unlock his full potential, and his Insight 3 passive aids in eliminating foes. While he proves a decent unit, he may not always be the optimal choice. Additionally, A Knight’s rate-up banner, upon the game’s launch, includes the 5-star Bkornblume, an exceptional support unit for many reality damage teams, potentially outshining numerous 6-stars. Consider aiming for both units for a synergistic combo.



Recommendation level: ★★★★☆☆

Voyager focuses on utility, providing team reflection, damage reduction, and crowd control. Her abilities significantly enhance team survivability, which proves invaluable in challenging stages. However, her individual damage output is modest, making her reliant on a solid team composition to shine. While not the best first choice, Voyager is an excellent long-term addition to your roster.

Reverse:1999 6-Star Pull Guide

Medicine Pocket

Recommendation level: ★★★★☆☆

Reverse:1999 6-Star Pull Guide

Medicine Pocket specializes in healing and survival, offering substantial healing and team damage reduction. Her skillset proves extremely useful in the early game for tackling tough stages. However, her niche becomes apparent as you approach mid-game, with her debuff skill’s scaling proving lackluster. Medicine Pocket remains a situational pick in meta teams, limiting her overall investment value.

Druvis III

Recommendation level: ★★★★☆☆

Reverse:1999 6-Star Pull Guide

Druvis III excels in control, particularly on stages where enemies are susceptible to control effects. Her damage output is respectable, with an emphasis on mass attacks, making her an asset in early stages with multiple mobs. Furthermore, her Insight 3 passive grants sustain to all plant teammates, solidifying her role as a cornerstone in mono-plant teams. In most scenarios, she proves usable and excels under specific circumstances.



Recommendation level: ★★★☆☆☆

Sotheby reigns as the game’s premier healer, but her healing is delayed, which may require adjustment for many players. Her poison skill deals genesis damage, without benefiting from buffs, and its late-game damage potential is limited. While she may not shine in the first two patches, her rate-up banner at game launch also features Charlie, a high-tier carry who outperforms many 6-star units. With the introduction of Changeling in patch 1.2, Sotheby becomes a key component of the poison meta team. If you’re planning for the long term, acquiring Sotheby is a wise move.

Ms. NewBabel

Recommendation level: ★☆☆☆☆☆

Reverse:1999 6-Star Pull Guide

Ms. NewBabel’s focus lies in shielding, taunting, and countering. Her damage output is minimal, and she lacks the durability to tank effectively. In terms of overall performance and potential, she falls short of numerous 5-star units. Ms. NewBabel stands as the least desirable 6-star unit, and this assessment remains valid even a year after the game’s launch. If you find her as your first or second 6-star, it’s highly advisable to start a new account for a more rewarding gaming experience.

With a complete overview of all the 6-star units available at launch in Reverse:1999, we wish you a smooth and prosperous journey as you venture back to 1999, armed with the knowledge to make the best choice for your gaming adventure.

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