How to make Rose Water at home? Benefits, Steps, Safety, and Uses

How to make Rose Water at home? Benefits, Steps, Safety, and Uses

Welcome to the complete guide for DIY Rose Water, learn the complete process of how to make Rose water at home.

Instructions on How to make rose water at home using fresh petals only.

All of us just love the mesmerizing fragrance of Rose water and what could be better than DIY Rose Water made at home and kept in the refrigerator? It is all-natural and comes straight from your garden and kitchen. We are sharing this recipe on how to make Rose Water at home which is an absolute staple in your skincare regime.


What is Rose Water?

Rose Water is exactly what it sounds Rose+Water. It has all the benefits of Anti-ageing, Toning, Refreshing, Hairfall, and what not else like hydrating power. Rose Water is flavored water that is prepared to distill the petals of a rose with steam or by steeping them in water. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that have skin-soothing properties too. So, we concluded all the related information on how to make rosewater.

Also, it smells awesome and is used in some cuisines too. People swear by Rose Water and spending too many bucks on the same is not acceptable. So, we combined a perfect recipe on how to make Rose Water at home. This DIY version of Organic Rose Water is so much easy.

Before getting into the DIY Rose Water recipe at home, let’s focus on some ways to use it in the skincare routine.

  1. So, one of the best ways to use Pure Rose Water is face toning. It is used to remove excess dirt and oil, also to balance the pH level of the skin. No matter what your skin type is, a rose water toner with alcohol is not recommended anyway. Rose water is alcohol-free and has bit astringent properties as well which means it is good for acne-prone and sensitive skin too. Rose Water gives an extra cleansing effect even when you are wearing heavy makeup and skin products. It manages the pH level of the skin instantly. Rose Water toner at home helps in closing the pores and also tightens the cell gaps after cleansing.
  2. Adding half cup of Rose Water to the water for bathing adds extra hydration. It will also add a sense of relaxation from its scent. Rose Water benefits have a huge list to go.
  3. Natural perfume? Yes, natural rose water made at home is safe and better than conventional perfumes. It is safe for skin, adds nourishment, and is far better than market-ready fragrances. So, it’s far better to stick to the natural version comparatively.
  4. Rose Water works amazing as a Face refresher or makeup setter, yes, spray it after being done with your makeup and it works.
  5. Soak the cotton balls in chilled rose water and place them on the eyelids to remove the dark circles and under-eye bags. Let them stay for as long as you can.
  6. Take some coconut oil and rose water, blend it well and use it as a makeup remover. Dip the cotton balls in the mixture and wipe your makeup with it.
  7. For intense moisturization, mix almond oil and rose water. Massage the mixture all over your body.
  8. Rose Water works wonders to soothe your sunburn. Apply the chilled rose water to the affected areas. Adding aloe vera gel can be even better.

How to Choose Rose Petals?

Make sure the rose petals you are using, are organic and have not been sprayed with pesticides. There are so many varieties available in the market for Rose Petals, but it would be better to choose only the organic ones. Pick them up in the early morning when the petals are most fragrant. Even if you are purchasing roses from outside, they should be grown organically and in a pesticide-free environment. Rinse the rose petals before boiling them to remove any dirt or substances. We have a simple way how to make Rose Water at home without any chemicals. It has many uses like Hair rinse, Room Spray, Adding fragrance to homemade cosmetics or Face packs, Cooling mist, Facial toner, or even some recipes.

There are around 7,000 varieties of roses worldwide available but only a few of them can be used for the production of high-quality rose water. Bulgarian Rosa Damascena is a well-known rose for making good organic rose water.

2 ways to make Rose Water at home


Learn how to make Rose water with these methods that are budget-friendly and pure as well.

Simmering vs Distilling: DIY Method

Rose Water is not only fragrant but is versatile as well and can be used as a facial toner, hair perfume, cooling mist, and any other arena too. There are 2 ways on how to make rosewater at home but on a personal note, I prefer simmering. In the simmering method, rose petals are meant to be kept in distilled water for about 15 minutes on low flame. This is suited for recipes but has a limited shelf life. The distilling method makes a hydrosol, it is more time-consuming but has a longer shelf time comparatively.

How to Make Rose Water at Home?

How to make Rosewater by Simmering method?


Ingredients: Organic Fresh Rose petals of 4-5 roses, Pan, Distilled water, and a bottle or jar to store the rose water. 

  1. Remove organic rose petals from the stems.
  2. Wash them under lukewarm water to remove any leftover residue.
  3. Take a saucepan, over medium-high heat, and bring the organic rose petals and water to boil. The water to be used for boiling the rose petals should be of adequate amount means enough to seep them.
  4. Bring it to a boil on medium-low heat only and keep it covered to let the fragrance stay inside it.
  5. Let the mixture on simmer for 20-30 minutes or maybe until the petals have lost their color and become pale pink.
  6. Strain the mixture to separate the petals from the water.
  7. Discard the petals and place the rose water in the refrigerator.
  8. Place the Rose Water in a glass jar or spray bottle to store.

Don’t keep the flame too high, it can destroy the beneficiary properties of roses.

Distillation method:


How to make Rosewater by Distillation method?

Requirements: Dried rose petals, Water, Ice, Large stock pot, Clean brick, Metal bowl, and a container for storage.

  1. Remove petals from your organically grown roses. Remove any stamen, if present.
  2. Place a clean brick down in the center of your large stock pot.
  3. Keep the metal bowl on top of the brick.
  4. Measure 2 cups of dried rose petals into the stock pot. You can use 3-5 cups if you are going for fresh petals. Gently press down the petals.
  5. Pour the water into the pot over the petals until it comes almost to the top of the brick.
  6. Cover the stock pot and invert the lid as it will allow the steam to collect.
  7. Keep ice on the top of the lid, and keep the petals in steam as much as possible because the steam is rosewater.
  8. Bring water to a boil and reduce the flame to the lowest.
  9. Remove ice and simmer the flame for at least 30 minutes.
  10. Let it cool completely.
  11. Keep your homemade organic rose water and keep it in a dark bottle.
  12. This will assure the rose water is fresh for upto 6 months in the refrigerator.

How to Make Rose Water Toner at Home?

Combine ¼ cup witch hazel with ¼ cup of Rose water made at home in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on your face and wipe it with a cotton ball. This mixture of Rose Water and Witch Hazel boosts the natural astringent properties that restore clarity and radiance after every single use. You can use this mixture as a face toner and also store this for a good long time in the refrigerator to make it cold and refreshing. The main active ingredient in witch hazel is tannin which has astringent properties to help tighten the blood vessel and improve the skin tone.


How long does Fresh Rose Water last?

It would be better to keep them in a refrigerator where DIY Rose Water made at home can last for about 2 weeks or even a month. At room temperature, it might last for a week. Store it in a dark-colored bottle to store it for an even longer time.

Have extra Rose Water? No worries, use it in your bath or freeze it in an ice cube tray for later use, an amazing sunburn remedy.


Soak some cotton pads in the DIY rose water recipe we discussed above and use them for undereye circles that are refreshing and can even lighten the under-eye area.

This homemade rose water can be used for cooking, basically for flavoring cakes and any other dishes too. Let us know your views on how to make rose water at home 🙂

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