Best Research in Dark Envoy In-depth Guide Wiki

Best Research in Dark Envoy In-depth Guide Wiki

In the ever-enigmatic world of Dark Envoy, your path to power is paved with Research. As you embark on your journey, choosing which aspects of the game to invest your hard-earned research points in can make or break your success. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of Dark Envoy’s research system, uncovering the most efficient and rewarding avenues for progression.

Best Research in Dark Envoy

Unveiling the Three Research Trees

Upon advancing through the initial chapters of the game, you will unlock the research tree. This tree branches into three distinct categories, each with its own unique offerings. Let’s take a closer look at what these trees have to offer:

Best Research in Dark Envoy

Crafting Tree

The Crafting tree specializes in enhancing your crafting capabilities, allowing you to create superior gear. This means you can fashion weapons and armor that can give you a substantial edge in the battles that lie ahead.


Enchantments Tree

The Enchantments tree is all about making your gear more potent. It enables you to enchant your equipment with greater efficiency and effectiveness, making your characters even more formidable.

Tactical Tree

The Tactical tree, the crux of your strategy, offers combat upgrades that bolster all your characters. When considering which abilities to prioritize, focus on the following options:

  • Emergency Regeneration: When your units fall below 50% health, they will gradually regenerate 2 HP per second, ensuring they stay in the fight longer.
  • Back from the Brink: This ability revives all your units with 25% to 50% of their health, offering a lifeline when the odds are against you.
  • Righteous Fury: If one of your characters meets their demise, the others gain increased attack speed, move speed, and life steal for a valuable 10 seconds. This can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Apart from these three, any passive enhancements from the Tactical Tree that boost your team’s stats, especially in terms of Damage, Critical Damage, and Mobility, are well worth the investment.


Prioritizing the Trees

While all three trees provide valuable benefits, your early-game strategy should revolve around the Tactical Tree. It’s paramount to fortify your characters with the aforementioned abilities. These skills offer vital survivability and damage potential, and they are the key to mastering the art of combat in Dark Envoy.

As for the Crafting and Enchantments trees, it’s advisable to defer your attention to them until later in the game, once you’ve established your primary team. When you’re ready, target the following milestones in each tree:

Crafting Tree

  • Legendary Item Crafting: This ability opens the door to crafting legendary equipment, granting you access to some of the most powerful gear in the game.
  • Improved Modifiers: Focusing on improving modifiers for your items will give you an edge in customization, further enhancing your characters’ abilities.

Enchantments Tree

  • Weapon Enchanting: This skill should be your primary focus in the Enchantments tree. It allows you to maximize the potential of your weapons, ensuring they deal the most damage possible.

Accumulating Research Points

To progress in these research trees, you must accumulate research points. The primary method of doing so involves exploring vast dungeons in search of research lootable monuments. These precious monuments are typically found in large dungeons, but keep an eye out for them in story missions and occasionally in smaller dungeons.


You can easily identify these monuments on your minimap, as they are marked by a distinct white symbol. Once you locate one, eliminate any nearby threats, and interact with the monument to receive your reward. On average, you can expect to obtain around 20 Research Pages from each monument.

In conclusion, the key to mastering Dark Envoy lies in your strategic allocation of research points. Prioritize the Tactical Tree for its game-changing abilities, and later, delve into the Crafting and Enchantments trees to optimize your equipment. With this guide at your disposal, you’re now equipped to forge your path to power in the mystical world of Dark Envoy.

For more in-depth guidance on Dark Envoy, explore our best Warrior Build Guide and our suggestions for choosing the ideal starting class for Kaela and Malakai. Your journey to dominance begins here.


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