Total War: Pharaoh Faction Leaders, Map, and More

Total War: Pharaoh Faction Leaders, Map, and More

Total War: Pharaoh Faction Leaders

Total War: Pharaoh features four playable factions, each with its own unique faction leader:

  • Menes: The first pharaoh of Egypt, Menes is a skilled ruler and military leader. He is known for his wisdom and diplomacy.
  • Djoser: The third pharaoh of Egypt, Djoser is a brilliant architect and builder. He is also a wise and benevolent ruler.
  • Sneferu: The first pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty, Sneferu is a powerful and ambitious ruler. He is also a skilled military leader.
  • Khufu: The second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty, Khufu is known for his megalomania and ruthlessness. He is also a brilliant architect and builder.

Total War: Pharaoh Map

The map in Total War: Pharaoh is a recreation of ancient Egypt. The map is divided into several provinces, each with its own unique resources and terrain. Players must expand their empire by conquering new provinces and building new cities.


Total War: Pharaoh Gameplay Elements

Total War: Pharaoh is a complex and challenging game, but it is also very rewarding. Players must manage their resources, build cities, train armies, and research new technologies in order to succeed. The game also features a robust diplomacy system, which players can use to form alliances with other factions or declare war on them.

Here are some tips for playing Total War: Pharaoh:

  • Focus on developing your cities. Your cities are the foundation of your empire, so it is important to focus on developing them. Build new buildings, improve existing buildings, and research new technologies to make your cities more efficient and productive.
  • Manage your resources carefully. Resources are scarce in Total War: Pharaoh, so it is important to manage them carefully. Don’t waste resources on unnecessary buildings or units.
  • Expand your empire wisely. Don’t overextend yourself by expanding too quickly. Focus on building a strong foundation for your empire before expanding.
  • Use diplomacy to your advantage. Diplomacy can help you to expand your empire and defeat your enemies. Form alliances with other factions to gain their support and trade with them to get the resources you need.
  • Don’t be afraid to lose battles. Losing battles is a part of Total War: Pharaoh. Learn from your mistakes and rebuild your army.

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