Deep Rock Galactic Yuletide Christmas Event 2023: Start Time and Content

Deep Rock Galactic Yuletide Christmas Event 2023: Start Time and Content

As the frosty winds of winter whistle across Hoxxes IV, a festive cheer echoes through the cavernous depths. The annual Deep Rock Galactic Yuletide event erupts once again, transforming the perilous asteroid into a wonderland of twinkling lights, mischievous elves, and enough holiday cheer to fuel a subterranean Rock and Stone symphony. Get ready, miners, for this year’s Yuletide promises an avalanche of merriment, rewards, and enough seasonal mayhem to beard even the grizzled veterans of DRG.

Festive Festivities: When and Where to Rock and Stone the Holidays

Mark your calendars, spacefaring Santas, because the Yuletide festivities officially blast off on Thursday, December 14th at 13:00 CET! Sharpen your pickaxes and polish your drills, for this joyous event will paint the caves of Hoxxes with holiday magic until Thursday, January 4th at 13:00 CET. That’s two glorious weeks to jingle your bells, slay some Yuletide Elves, and claim a Scrooge-load of festive loot.


A Yuletide Haul Worth Hoarding: What Awaits in the Depths?

DRG isn’t known for its soft touch, but the Yuletide spirit has thawed Management’s frosty hearts just enough to shower miners with a bounty of seasonal goodies. Here’s a glimpse of the treasures that await:

  • Yearly Performance Bonus: Complete this festive assignment and your pockets will overflow with extra Performance Points, crafting resources, credits, and even some infused Matrix Cores. But wait, there’s more! Dazzle your fellow dwarves with the brand new Snowglobe hat, a truly yuletide addition to any miner’s fashion sense.
  • Wanted Dead: Yuletide Elves: Those pesky Longbeard Freight elves have once again proven their incompetence, unleashing a horde of mischievous imps upon Hoxxes. These pointy-eared troublemakers are bad news for DRG’s operations, so Management’s giving you the green light to send them back to the candy cane mines with extreme prejudice. Shoot ’em on sight, bring back the proof, and double your mission performance points as a reward for your elf-slaying skills.
  • The Hats of Christmas Past: Remember those dusty holiday hats gathering cobwebs in the orbital storage? Management, in a rare moment of generosity (don’t expect a raise next year!), has decided to dig them out and adorn every dwarf with a festive topper. Complete the “Fashion of Yuletide Past” assignment and unlock all the headgear from previous Yuletide events. Let the hat-tastrophe commence!
  • Extra Stocking Stuffers: The Yuletide cheer doesn’t stop there! Finish the “Yuletide Elf Hunt” assignment and snag yourself a sparkling new pickaxe set called “Chillaxe,” a festive Bosco framework dubbed the “Yuletide Special,” and even a complete elf suit armor and headwear combo. Rock the holiday spirit like a true dwarf fashion icon!

Beyond the Loot: A Yuletide Adventure for Every Dwarf


The Yuletide event isn’t just about amassing loot, it’s about forging memories and beard-braided bonds with your fellow dwarves. Dive into the heart of the festivities with these yuletide delights:

  • Enchanted Biomes: Brace yourself for a visual feast! Hoxxes transforms into a breathtaking wonderland, with twinkling lights illuminating the caverns, snow blanketing the mining tunnels, and festive cheer (and the occasional rogue elf) filling the air.
  • Seasonal Surprises: Keep your pickaxe handy, miners, for the Yuletide event throws in unexpected twists and turns. Be on the lookout for hidden secrets, festive anomalies, and maybe even a glimpse of the legendary (and slightly terrifying) Krampus.
  • The Spirit of Cooperation: The Yuletide event is a celebration of teamwork. Grab your squad, don your most outrageous holiday attire, and Rock and Stone your way through the festive mayhem. Share the wealth, revive fallen comrades, and let the Yuletide spirit guide your laser pointer towards victory.

So, raise your mugs of Nutmeg Ale, miners, and prepare to delve into the most rockin’ and rollin’ Christmas ever! The Yuletide event awaits, promising a cornucopia of festive fun, epic battles, and enough loot to fill Santa’s sack with envy. Gather your crew, polish your pickaxes, and get ready to paint Hoxxes IV with the vibrant hues of a truly dwarven Christmas. Rock and Stone, and Happy Yuletide!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Deep Rock Galactic official channels for the latest Yuletide updates, sneak peeks, and maybe even a glimpse of Management in a Santa hat (don’t hold your breath). Rock and Stone!


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