Smalland Survive the Wilds is a new base-building, survival and open-world adventure game. This game has combined features of lots of other games. Sometimes you will see it like Valheim and sometimes it seems that game got inspiration from the Grounded itself.
There is one very unique and comprehensive feature in this game called taming and mounting the creatures which redesigns the things similar to ARK Survival. Anyways, currently Smalland Survive the Wilds is buzzing the internet with its unique gameplay, graphics, RPG elements etc but in this post we are going to talk about the taming system of the game. We will also guide you through the way to mount different creatures in the game.
Mount System in Smalland Survive the Wilds
Don’t get confused and let you clear your doubt, Smalland’s map is not small and narrow at all. it has a very big and vast map and is subject to getting more biomes in future. So, we can expect that map will expand more in the future with upcoming patches and updates. Still, it’s a bit hard to travel from one location to another when we don’t have any teleport and transportation systems available in the game. The mount system plays a vital role in moving one NPC from another with the help of the mount.
There is nothing like an available mount or predefined mount system like Horses, Griffen etc in the game. You have to learn the mechanism of the Mount System of the game. There are critters in the game and you can tame and mount them accordingly. but you can’t tame and mount everything you see in the game. At present, You can tame a few critters in the game namely the Grasshopper, Gecko, Wolf Spider, and Damselfly.
They have different abilities but you can use those abilities only after tamming them. There is a specific approach to tame these critters you need to hit them hard and make their hp below 50% and then you have to feed them to become their friends. After that, you will see an option to tame and mount.
There are different ways to approach, tame and mount the specific enemies. I’m going to provide complete information about the entire process below:-
How to Get Grasshopper Mount in Smalland Survive the Wilds |
If you want to mount Grasshopper in smalland survive in the wilds then you need to do a bit of gathering and grinding to obtain some material so you can make a grasshopper treat. I’m going to divide this guide into three sections so you can easily follow the process. 1. First of all, let me explain that you need a grasshopper treat to tame and mount the grasshopper. And if you want to make a grasshopper treat then you need a Cauldron & Stonecutter to unlock this. you will need 3x Insect Eggs, 1x Petal, and 2x Seed Oil to make the grasshopper treat. 2. So, You need to craft a Stonecutter which is the most important step in the mounting system. You need stonecutter almost everywhere when it comes to crafting. Anyways, You need Stonecutter to unlock Cauldron. Stonecutter also helps in creating Seed Oil from Poppy Seeds. 3. I assume you have crafted the stonecutter already, now you wish to craft Cauldron so you can make Grasshopper Treat. Kindly Note:- You need to acquire 10x Stone and 7x Refined Wood to create the cauldron (easily available in the forest). Well, If You have everything ready with you now you’re ready to make a grasshopper treat. Use all the ingredients in the cauldron to get the grasshopper treat, then give it to the grasshopper once it is below 50% HP. You will be able to mount the grasshopper instantly without any issues. |

How to Get Gecko Mount in Smalland Survive the Wilds |
if you have made Grasshopper Treat then you would not find it difficult to make Gecko Treat. Because the process to make Gecko Treat is very similar to Grasshopper Treat. You just need different ingredients to make Geck Treat with the help of Cauldron. You will need 2x Ant Heads, 2x Bee Heads, 1x Petal, and 2x Seed Oil. You can get Ant Heads by defeating Ants and Bees Heads by defeating Bees. Stonecutter can provide you with Seed Oil and Petals are the easiest of all of them. Once you’re ready with everything Use the ingredients in the cauldron to get the treat, then give it to the Gecko once it is in low health |
How to Get Wolf Spider Mount in Smalland Survive the Wilds |
if you are still wondering and unable to find an exact way to obtain a Wolf Spider Mount. The entire process is straightforward but hidden behind a specific quest line. So, first of all, you need to find Lisandra and complete a quest with her where you’re required to kill an Albino Spider. You need Wolf Spider Treat to mount the Wolf Spider and to make that treat you required 1x Grasshopper Leg, 2x Spider Eye, 3x Insect Wings, 1x Petal, and 2x Seed Oil. I hope you are familiar with everything in the list without Spider Eye and you will get that from Albino Spider. Well, If You have everything ready with you now you’re ready to make a Wolf Spider Treat. Use all the ingredients in the cauldron to get the Wolf Spider Treat, then give it to the Wolf Spider once it is below 50% HP. You will be able to mount the Wolf Spider instantly without any issues. |
How to Get Damselfly Mount in Smalland Survive the Wilds |
At the current stage of the game, Damselfly is the most tricky and complex mount to get. First of all, you need to meet ELDER(obvious in the linear quest line) and complete his quest. If you want to unlock the Damselfly Mount you need to help ELDER and find a KEY for him. Well, the Damselfly Mount process is different if you compare it with Grasshoppers, Geckos and Wolf Spider. You’re not required to use Cauldron to make Damselfy Treat. You need Stone Oven to make Damselfy Treat and you can unlock Stone Oven only after Unlocking the Windmill. You also need 5x Wood, 10x Stone Brick, and 5x Clay Mortar to craft it. You required 3x Firefly Juice, 1x Petal, and 2x Seed Oil to make a damselfly treat. |
This is all about our port on How to Get Mounts in Smalland Survive the Wilds. I have explained the entire taming and mounting system in the smalland game. if you are still looking for other guides related to smalland Survive the Wilds Then you can get access to our exclusive guide section of the SMALLAND