Overview of MCT OIL
MCT oil does not manufacture with Yeast, Wheat, Gluten, Soy, Corn, Milk, Egg, or Fish. Short-chain fats like butyric acid have fewer than 6 carbons whereas long-chain fats like EPA and DHA have 13 to 21. MCTs stay in the middle between 6 to 12 and then there are three separate fatty acids i.e., Caproic acid, Caprylic acid, and Capric acid. Let’s not go deeper into the chemical composition of MCTs.
A shorter chain means the lesser number of carbons the acid has, the faster the body can turn fatty acids into usable energy in the ketone form that the body produces while using fat for energy.
MCT oil is commonly extracted from coconut oil, it contains more than 55% of healthy fat that comes from coconut oil. MCT oil keto benefits are many like Heart health, Obesity prevention, and improved brain health that we’ll discuss further.
Apart from Coconut oil, MCTs can also be found in Butter from grass-fed cows, Full-fat yogurt, Cheeses, Palm oil, and Whole milk.
MCT oil has 6-12 carbon atoms and has only saturated fatty acids. MCTs can be absorbed in the small intestine with no digestive enzymes. They don’t need carnitine for transport into mitochondria.
MCT oil has the ability to quickly turned into ketones. It is water-soluble in nature that means can be used in a lot of recipes with only 8.3 calories per gram.
MCT oil has many health benefits like Diabetes (type 2) that are individuals being obese or overweight that makes digestion harder. They can reduce fat storage and also increase the fat-burning process.
It may reduce the risk factors for heart disease and cholesterol. MCT oil increases the production of HDL (good cholesterol). Additionally, it reduces C-reactive protein (CRP) which is known to increase the risk of heart disease.
What makes MCTs a Superfood of Essential Healthy Fats?
Medium-chain fats are easy to digest and can also be sent directly to the liver that positively improves the metabolism. They are easy to digest since the body has to do less work in breaking down the molecules and do not require any special kind of enzymes to utilize.
MCT oil supports a healthy gut environment by reducing the risks of low-fat diets and optimizing the growth of good bacteria and support gut lining. MCTs have antioxidant properties that help in combating harmful bacteria and parasites.
MCT oil makes us feel full after having it and specifically reduce stored body fat means raised in metabolic function. It provides more energy to the body and helps in experiencing better digestion. Balance hormone levels and also absorb fat-soluble nutrients. They are great for someone missing a gallbladder.
According to a study, 5 grams of MCT oil improves the metabolic rate of a healthy person and even more MCT oil calories can be burned just by walking 5 minutes of jumping rope for 2 minutes. MCTs are the ultimate ketogenic fat while ketosis (diabetes). They are beneficial for weight loss as they help in restoring normal metabolic function.
The dosage could be between 5 to 50 grams for regular cooking and diet. MCT oil has no smell or taste, so it’s easy to blend into smoothies like even MCT oil in coffee. MCT oil before bed is also a good option for weight gain without any side effects.
Its dosage is not a weight-loss pill but has evidence to be mildly anti-obesogenic that may help with weight loss. It is better to get nutrition from MCT whole foods rather than supplements so choose wisely.
Easy to Digest: MCT oil does not require bile salts for the breakdown and digestion process. They pass directly from the digestive system to the bloodstream without any modification because of the absence of the long-chain fat i.e., Long Chain Fatty acids.
MCT oil is one of the perfect options for those having struggles with digestive problems and fat absorption.
MCT oil is better than coconut oil medium-chain fatty acids in terms of keeping the stomach full as they increase two hormones i.e., Peptide YY and Leptin. Having two tablespoons of MCT oil in the breakfast help people to have lesser lunch.
It could prevent obesity and body weight significantly. MCT oil has 10% fewer calories than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) found in Olive oil, Nuts, and Avocados. Our bodies may need some time to adapt to MGT oil. They can be converted into ketones as it may help in keeping your fat-burning state i.e., ketosis.
MCT oil helps in optimizing the growth of good bacteria. A healthy gut environment is important for a fat loss regime.
Instant Source of Energy: MCT oil is a superfood when it comes to body fat absorption. It absorbs more quickly by traveling straight from the gut to the liver. It contains fewer carbons in its fatty acid chains.
MCT oil in Keto Diet: The Keto diet or Ketogenic diet is a low carb and high-fat diet that comes with many benefits. MCT oil keto helps in drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat. By consumption of MCT oil keto, the body becomes efficient at fat burning for energy.
MCT oil keto helps in filling up the body and losing weight without keeping a calorie count. If MCT oil keto is added to Yogurt or Drinks, it can provide a massive amount of energy and also keeps the ketone levels increased.
The Ketogenic diet is an amazing way to lose weight and burn fat by kicking out the sugar cravings. Some of the MCT oil keto strands are proven to be breaking down into ketones and can be used to convert carbohydrates into glucose. MCT oil keto is easiest to digest as compared to other fats that simply means lesser digestive disorders and gallbladder infections.
MCT oil keto is flavorless and odorless, great for athletes, 100% pure coconut sourced, and provides quick and clean fuel with no palm oil.
Good for Lactate Buildup in Athletes: MCT oil is popular among many athletes as it reduces the lactate buildup that negatively affects exercise performance. As we have already discussed how MCT oil may help our body to use more of the fat instead of carbs for energy.
It helps in doing exercise efficiently. MCT oil does not store in the body so could help athletes to lose body fat. It also does not slow down gastric emptying and allows rapid absorption of fats by rapid oxidation.
MCT allows the fats to keep food for a longer time and delays the delivery of nutrients. MCT oil allows the body to be fuller for longer time. When MCTs reach the bloodstream, they are transported to the muscles quickly. Some of them are transported in the liver and then ketones are used as fuel. MCTs extend the duration of high-intensity exercise.
Replacement of LCTs with MCTs could help in bodyweight reduction without affecting lipid profiles. Therefore, MCT oil is a healthier fat option because of its health benefits claims as Fat loss, Increased energy, Improved focus, Improved digestion, Hormonal balance, and Improved nutrient absorption means a good immune system.
MCT oil has a low smoke point and once the fatty acids start to denature can become carcinogenic.
Improved Mood and Energy Levels: Do you know that our brain is largely made up of fatty acids and as MCTs are easy to digest. Long-Chain Fatty Acids need more energy to digest. MCT oil performs well to work and is believed to be utilized well. It does not only helps you absorb vitamins and minerals but also to energetic and positive. A study has found that the MCTs in Coconut oil helped improve memory problems i.e., Alzheimer’s disease.
MCTs are proved for improvement in bacterial gut health and good growth and digestion of nutrients. MCT oil can even help in digesting proteins and fiber that are a bit difficult to digest.
Good Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: We’ll discuss some differences between MCT oil and Coconut oil as they both are connected. Both of them are beneficial for balancing the bacteria in the gut and maintain a healthy gut environment. They have the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from the food we had.
MCT oil can kill a wide range of Pathogenic viruses and bacteria that may cause digestive issues and even constipation or MCT oil diarrhea.
Antibacterial, Antiviral, and Antifungal Properties: MCT oil has natural antibiotics that help the bacteria in the gut. It is capable of reducing the bad bacteria without disturbing the good ones. A good one is important for maintaining intestinal health and digestive functioning.
It has a slower metabolization process that supports cognitive health. It helps you to keep satisfied and curb hunger for longer, try MCT oil coffee or MCT oil in coffee rather than plain sugar coffee.
The main difference between Coconut oil and MCT oil is their Coconut oil MCT content i.e., 100% in MCT oil. Coconut oil has 55% MCT content whereas MCT oil has 100%. It contains 4 medium-chain fatty acids with large quantities of Lauric acid.
It used for burning energy whereas MCT oil can go directly to the liver and also quickly metabolized into ketones. Both of them have different benefits.
MCT oil is a man-made oil that combines two of the best MCTs like caprylic and capric acids. MCTs, reach your liver quickly as they don’t have to go through peripheral tissues, unlike coconut oil. Mitochondria are the energy factories of the cell and it crosses the double layer too for energy.
It’s better than coconut oil to keep you full and also helps you lose fat. It may improve heart health, cognitive function, and also blood sugar regulation.
A daily dose of MCT oil is a good way to go but with a lesser quantity. Continue reading to know how to start cooking with MCT oil?
How To Use MCT oil in Food?
MCT oil can be combined with whey protein and collagen peptides to make a nutrient-dense food source to keep you full and energized. It can be cooked for low to mid-temperature cooking, the smoke point of MCT oil is 320 F.
For a good keto mayonnaise, blend MCT oil, an egg yolk, extra virgin olive oil, lime juice, and salt. MCT oil is great for skin and hair.
One of the easiest ways to use MCT oil in cooking is by blending it into beverages in a high-speed blender. At a low-speed blender, it will float on the top. Try to replace other oils with it but at a smaller pace. Roast veggies, Green salad dressing, Keto free coffee, Morning oatmeal are some examples of MCT oil in cooking. It is safe to consume and doesn’t have adverse effects.
Replace olive oil with MCT oil while making food or simply use it in salad dressing as it has no taste. Use organic MCT oil only for cooking that has no palm oil. Add it to dips or drizzle it over pasta. Most keto bread and desserts do not require high-temperature cooking and so MCT oil is their best friend. Let’s know about how to use MCT oil in cooking or what else?
How Many Calories are in MCT oil?
MCTs are found in Coconut and Palm kernel oil that is found to decrease body fat and provides energy. MCT structure contains 6 to 10 carbon atoms. Just one tablespoon serving of pure MCT oil contains 100 calories with 14 gm of fat. It can be used in salads and protein shakes as well.
How Often Can You Take MCT oil?
The perfect key to take MCT oil dosage is by taking it slowly. It’s good to have 5-7 gm of MCTs for the first three days. For the next 3-6 days, jump to upto 10 gm of MCTs. Increase your daily intake of MCTs slowly whenever the body feels comfortable.
Use MCT oil in your morning coffee for fat burning or as a pre-workout recipe. Taking a tablespoon 30 minutes before the gym is good to go.
How to Use MCT oil in Coffee?
MCT is good to consume at any time of the day. Medium Chain Triglycerides benefits are so many from fat loss to ketosis. Learn about Fat burning coffee recipe here. We have some ways for how to use MCT oil in coffee.
Make sure your keto coffee with MCT oil contains only 1 ingredient i.e., USDA organic coconuts with no fillers and chemicals or even trans fats. A good blender is a must.
Go for high-quality coffee beans only for superior taste and benefits. Keto coffee heavy cream is an option.
MCT oil coffee has so many benefits like it may speed up your metabolism with the presence of caffeine. It improves energy levels by keeping the bowels regular. Use MCT oil in coffee as a replacement for sugar or some other supplement like fully hydrogenated coconut oil.
Is MCT OIL Better Than Coconut OIL For Weight Loss?
MCT oil has many benefits that make them a helpful weight loss ingredient. MCTs have lower calorie content than Coconut oil as it contains Medium Chain Triglycerides rather than Long Chain Triglycerides.
MCT oil shows a significant increase in weight loss.
MCTs usually behave similarly to carbohydrates that means the body does better consumption. Whereas, LCTs (Coconut oil) take longer to digest before they make it to the liver.
Do MCT oil Calories Count?
MCT oil absorbs quickly and also increases the calorie-burning capacity. MCTs do help with appetite control that allows our body to feel fuller for a longer time. They stimulate ketone production. MCTs, provide you with a readily available source of ketones that is useful for low to moderate-intensity activities.
What are MCT oil Natural Sources?
In 1980, Dr. Vigen K. Babayan developed a process to produce MCT oil in larger quantities. His intention was to treat fat malabsorption, hyperchylomicronemia, and pancreatic insufficiency that makes MCT oil a big hit in the supplement industry.
MCTs do exist in some animal and plant foods rather than just coconut oil.
What Food Are High in MCT?
MCT oil without coconut is also available. Coconut oil, Breast milk, Cow milk, Breast milk, and some dairy products. Each source has varying amounts of MCT oil.
Milk is a natural source of MCTs and the amount depends on whole or low-fat products. A cup of whole milk has 0.55 gram of MCTs whereas skim milk hardly has.
Butter is also a whole food MCT e.g., a tablespoon of butter has 1 gram of MCTs, and cheddar cheese contains 0.4 gram.
How To Choose The Best MCT oil For Ketosis?
Look for some reputed brands only, do not go for cheaper ones. Choose oils with Caprylic acids or Capric acids as both of them are easy to digest and absorbed. Readout for labels to minimize the consumption of fillers and flavorings.
The best MCT oil contains large amounts of C8 or C10 with less than 2% lauric acid. They boost ketone production to provide energy.
Check out for company reviews on several sources about the manufacturers or suppliers. Go for organic Keto MCT oil only.
Final Thoughts For MCT OIL
MCT oil is mainly used by people looking for MCT oil weight loss and who want to boost their endurance while working workout. MCTs are found in coconut oil and unlike they go straight from the gut to the liver. It lowers down the cholesterol level and blood sugar levels. Share your views on how to use MCT oil for weight loss 🙂
MCT oil for cooking has a low smoke point means no long-term cooking. Do not use MCT oil if you have cirrhosis or you are pregnant. MCTs are a fat source for persons who cannot tolerate other types of fats. MCT oil for infants is also a good option to invest money in. However, MCT oil side effects in infants are not reported yet.
Having so much MCT oil can even lead to digestive issues in the starting so start slowly and steadily. Consuming too much of it can even lead to bloating, diarrhea, discomfort in the beginning. MCT oil appears to be safe for most people.
MCTs may have a negative impact on adults with food allergies, atopic dermatitis, or asthma. However, there are no reported side effects of MCT oil but still consulting a doctor before consumption is required.
If you are highly sensitive to the MCT oil, try MCT powder instead as it is much easier on the stomach. MCT Powder has so many advantages like it is much easier on the digestive system and also good for keto recipes. It is easy to travel because of powdery texture and gives a creamy texture without leaving an oily residue.
Medium-chain triglycerides benefits have a long list and for these mentioned reasons, MCT oil worth a try. MCTs have many additional benefits that are not found in supplements.
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