Right before diving into the Content Marketing Guide, there are some important terms need to be cleared to get out of the way. Content Marketing is a customer – centric strategy and to achieve the perfect goal. You need to be attentive for our readers and attempt to discover the most successful way to solve their queries. Quality content is the basic requirement for every promotional activity like for Social media marketing it needs to be promotional as well as catchy and for Search Engine Optimization content needs to be quality worth in a consistent manner. About to write a Press Release? If yes, then make sure you are addressing issues that readers care about and the business as well if it’s worth the time . Even though if its PPC (paid promotion), great content is required behind it and for Inbound marketing it is necessary for getting inbound traffic and leads. Make a perfect Content Strategy and get ready to rule the industry. In this guide, you are going to learn how to create a documented content marketing strategy. Content Marketing Definitions
Either you are in touch with the Online marketing or not, Content and Content Marketing is something we all heard of and yes, it is different from other forms of internet marketing. It is a way of connecting to your readers in the most possible as well as effective manner. The quality content must have Information, Communication, Freshness, Readability and Relevancy. For readers, all of the mentioned factors are required to stop them from exit the page. On the same note, Content Marketing is the approach to create long-term strategy focused to build strong relationships with the readers on a regular basis. There are many definitive guide to strategic content marketing available all over internet and video portals. But, you really need to pick best one to implement and follow.
What is Thin Content?
Google believes that pure or “thin,” affiliate websites do not provide valuable information to users, especially if they are part of a program that distributes its content to several hundred affiliates. These sites generally appear to be cookie-cutter sites or templates with no original content and with no content marketing strategy and plan. Because a search results page could return several of these sites, all with the same content, thin affiliates create a frustrating user experience.
Growing Importance of the Content Writing in Digital Marketing Sector
Whether it’s true or false, every perception about your brand matters (a lot) and Content Marketing is an outstanding medium to give the positive user experience. Content Marketing could be in any form like Blogs, Articles, Videos, PPTs, PDFs, Infographics or may be some other stuff to communicate a message to the audience. It is the core of your Content Marketing Campaign in every better way. Being a reader whenever you visit a website, we do expect some relevant information about things.
Importance of the Content Marketing in Creating Brand Value
Why do we need create our brand when no one even knows about it? It is important that while launching a new brand that affects the consumers decision after differentiating with other competitors. In this era of advancement, the brand awareness is important for every business to stand out in a positive manner, almost each of us are operating some type of device that could be a Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop or may be some other medium to communicate. Entire Content Marketing revolves around these communication channels that has actually made the Social media much more informative and reliable. By targeting a good content marketing campaign that is focused upon your business idea will encourage your consumers to grow. Brand awareness is necessary to increase your market share and repeat purchases.
Benefits of the Content Marketing for Business and B2B
It would not be wrong if we say brand image is your handshake with the world (consumers) by allowing us to communicate with the individuals and businesses instantly. “Out with the old and in with the new” this is an idiom that means making a fresh new start by getting rid of the old things rather than just replacing, same goes with a business that means you need to have something new that your consumers are looking for. Whatever you are offering as a solution to the customer’s issues must be authentic and passionate. From website to after sale service, every experience needs to be unforgettable as well as quick. Be true to your brand’s authenticity to put some strong impact on the first impressions.
Importance of the Content Marketing in SEO and Social Media
Whether we have a great team or not, regular resources by producing some great Content Marketing require less time and in return provides long term benefits. The best option is to choose evergreen content that can go well for months or may be years. Look for the outcomes like Site’s traffic, Social presence, Search Engine Rankings, user’s trust and Brand awareness by putting yourself into Effective Content Marketing. Yes, content should be at the core of your marketing strategy to be a part of leading brands or organizations.
If you are just planning to start new website or blog, first thing you need to cover is; How To Write Content For SEO (Search Engine Optimization). As we all know, now days, Google is giving top priority to Content Marketing only. There are many other and important factors to optimize our website for search engines, But still content is one of the most eloquent thing when it comes to SEO. Blog means readable and visual text and a good blog section is the backbone of every stable site with quality traffic and you can get it by engaging and retaining the readers. The best way to retain them is provide reliable and relevant information that would be worth enough to share.
Your blog should give an idea about topic from one to the end with Content Marketing Goal. It should promote the ideas in your industry and should give the answers to questions with your words. Blogs are not sales pages and also remember to keep your focus on the customers rather than selling. By following tips for effective content marketing and targeting the interested readers, we are inviting growth in website conversions and sales, driving traffic to the site, improving the share ability of ideas and also increment in the level of engagement of visitors.
Content Marketing not only includes Blogs but other forms as well like Text based content is meant to be submitted to platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat whereas Video and audio content to the YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, Facebook and Graphical content postings to the Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat etc. There are different ways to create engaging social media content like creating eye catching event, free giveaways for regular members, creating a great content with catchy tagline and heading, even free content giveaway, free shout-out or share, so it can increase social media engagement if you implement Content Marketing Strategy with specific pattern and plan.
Content Writing Tips For Beginners
Keywords, Keywords and Keywords…the entire website revolves around these only that are the words defining your website’s niche. To make a website known in today’s market, a blog with quality content that stands out is must needed. It is the right message about a website that is meant to be read by customers as well as Search engine bots. Other components without Content Marketing; such as design, load time, visuals and media plays an another role in a website’s success. Make sure the content we are updating must be done with proper content marketing strategy, market research and clear keyword-rich yet meaningful content.
Content marketing strategy includes creation and submission of the content (Blogs, Posts, News, Videos, White papers, Info-graphics etc. to get more customers and engagements. By posting relevant and updated content, stronger relationships are build and the website’s ranking will also be improved.
As the name defines, it means writing quality Content Marketing in a manner to get it rank better for the related keyword searches. Once you have done with the creation of content, SEO-friendly formatting is important to let it rank in higher Search Engine Results Pages. Do proper keyword research to find the best relevant terms that define your concept in most simple words that also should approach your targeted customers. Rule of thumb is to go with predefined format like : A Paragraph should never exceed 6 lines, A sentence shall never go above 26 words and should never contains excessive passive voice and complex sentence. That would be better to make pages primarily for users and not the search engines, however, keep the algorithms in mind and always use Keyword Rich Title as till the date, title still works a lure for search engines and users. With these simple and effective stuff, you would easily learn How To Create Content Marketing Plan. Which is definitely the best approach to build a success blog, website or empire.
How To Write Quality Content For Your Website/Blog
Content optimization is the process of creating written content in the most possible manner to reach the largest audience. It can be achieved by placing the keywords at optimal place, addition of meta tags and relevant links. Google considered Content OR Content Marketing as one of the most important factor for the successful ranking of a website but what makes it good enough to let your content rank?
How To Develop Digital Marketing Content : Content should have the engagement factor with the reader and every piece of it would be Informational, Clear, Inspiring, Relevant, Thorough and Trustworthy. Yes, to create content by keeping the audience in mind is good but optimization is also key factor. If good content is the requirement to let our users stay then its visibility (User Experience) in the best possible way is another hard nut to crack. Make sure the page has load time less than 3 seconds and images or other medias are not slowing down the same. This also applies even if you are looking for Content Marketing Techniques For Ecommerce Website.
Different users operate different devices so a website must be responsive that means it can be operated in any device with the proper CTAs. There are plenty of ways to craft a proper Content Marketing Plan which involves content submission in form of XML sitemap to let Search Engine knows about page. Use relevant keywords only with the keyword based anchor text and short URLs with an average of 59 long characters. Content optimization includes shareable button that are readily available with the proper placement of headings and meta titles with the maximum character limit of 50 for title and 160 for description.
Blogging is the most common type of Content Marketing for every size of business and for all the goodness it deserve to be where it is. It’s the most perfect way of getting organic traffic to your sites from the search engines. By having blogs in a website, bots are automatically invited for the indexing and further ranking purpose. Blogging is extremely powerful and comprehensive in term of viral content marketing, if you manage to settle up an authority blog with great audience followers and reputation like Copy blogger, CMI,Hub spot, Copy hackers etc. You need to create Best Blog Content Strategy if you really wanna run a successful blog for long term and long run. Content is King when it comes to blogging or internet business.
Video is one of the most quintessential form of Content Marketing. Video Marketing is responsible to gain more visitors on a website with the improved SEO as well by increasing the chance to show on a front page of Google. In recent surveys of Content Marketing, videos are proven to grab the targeted audience as they are preferred now more than text ever. Try to invest in some short and attention-grabbing ones loaded with information to let the users engaged. As we already know Youtube is second largest search engine of the globe right now. So, without a doubt you must invest some of your time and craft a killer video content strategy if you really wish to collaborate with 3rd world audience for your content and website.
Infographic Content Marketing helps the individual and businesses to educate their audience with some image-text information placed accordingly. Visuals are better than text in every manner. About 37% of marketers said that visual form of content marketing comes after blogging. However, Infographics are over designed, everywhere, less optimized, mystify and really saturating social media marketing even entire internet marketing campaigns. No doubt infographic Content Marketing is still too good for SEO, Branding and Sharing but you need to add a lot more efforts in each and every stuff. Like, you have to create an interactive infographic with charts, graphs, stats, comparisons etc Period. In short, Infographic content marketing is diminishing but you have to do shareable and viral representation of your content for better buzz and more engagements.
Case Studies basically customer stories to show how a business helps them with the Products and Services. Trust factor is a win-win deal here as they comes directly from the users. Its one of the most distinctive and isolated format of Content Marketing. Luckily, It can be used in Blogs, eBooks, Social posts, Videos and in any other type of Content Marketing. Now a days, you can see plenty of internet marketing gurus are selling their specific methods and approach with live or proven case studies. You can see likes of Anik Singal, Amy North, Sean Bagheri are selling their case studies on Clickbank, Clickfunnels and Amazon etc. It does impact audience a lot, even all big internet marketing forums and most popular blogs usually shares case studies with their users to grab the attention of regular and new users.
eBooks contains long-form content to be used by businesses to get value leads and customers. eBooks must have detailed information to build relationship with the customers to let them trust your brand. EBooks – A never ending back linking and Viral Content Marketing approach. One of strongest and proven technique to run an email marketing campaign which is indirect form of viral content marketing. You can give away valuable content in the form of ebook and capture an email id of users with opt-in process. You can definitely submit ebook in pdf sharing website for backlinks, sharing and traffic.
Webinars Sounds strange but even Interviews with the industry experts needs some solid and interesting content. All needed is just to host a live interview through webinar or live stream with Facebook and record the entire session and make it live in the company’s YouTube channel. Go for the topics that can contain the best of related information. Now Days. Webinars are booming all over internet and you can say Content Marketing is getting embodiment to webinars.
Social Media, The entire social media content strategy is a necessary term for Digital Marketing campaign and good Content Marketing is the only requirement for same. To establish a stronger online presence, Social media is one of the best way to stay connected with the audience. It could be in the form of an Infographic, image, blog, video, tweet, Instagram Shout or any other form of Content Marketing. If the content has high quality then it is best promoted through Social sites. With relevant information Social media content needs to be catchy. Either its brand recognition or lead generation, Social media does all.
Guest Posting Google has been running after guest posts since panda and penguin. Stop, I’m not going to explain all do’s and don’ts for guest post in this specific article. So, I’m just getting you to a fundamental point of guest post, There are many factors to identify the genuine website for guest post like Domain Authority, Class of server and host ip, DA, PA, CF, TF etc but still Content Marketing is an essential as well as indispensable factor to consider when ever you gonna hunt for guest post or even while accepting the one. If you are going to write content for others, there are few things you need to consider as below :
Article Spinners: There are some software that provide spun content by swapping some words that put into suitable space ignoring Content Marketing approach. Somehow, it it unique in terms of the words used but both the sentences are identical. It just swap out the words with its synonyms; provides no new ideas or even meaning.
Most used tagline by these article spinners is “Copyscape Passed” that is a tool identifies duplicate content.
Google is not some software that works on just a basic algorithm but some serious engineers that knows every bit about these spinners and Panda is already there to penalize them. So, It’s very hard to survive from Panda if you are not following well versed content marketing plan. One of the major drawback is it keeps the meaning same but keywords changed. A constant fight is always happening between Black hat and Google though in some arenas Black hat wins but for sure not in terms of content; not for even a day. Like Search Engines can detect duplicate content so does users. After all, Artificial intelligence does not match with Human written content in any manner. You can say it’s the biggest hurdle in genuine Content Marketing.
Why Rewriting Someone’s Blog With Tool is Bad For Internet?
We just put our content in a article rewriter and whoa done…is this right to make and execute Content Marketing Strategy ? is it the way to write quality content? No and in every manner a big NO as plagiarism is the act of using or imitating the language very closely without any authorization or credit to the writer and Google is 100% against it. Rather read for your interest and come up with your own conclusion and ideas. Use high tier quality content only and learn how to create content marketing plan that pays you off with its authority later.
Many of the SEOs and Content marketers use Content automation tools to feed their Content Marketing needs. With 3 or 4 maximum clicks are you really expecting a highly curated content? Content is the king and playing tactics with the only thing that further gives you long term ranking is like expecting right time from a broken clock. Text that is auto-generated and makes no sense with keyword stuffing is all panda does penalizing for.
Why Spun or Auto Generated Content Can Ruin Your Website’s Authority?
We already mentioned importance of quality content or Content Marketing and drawbacks of the spun content. Also, how to write authorized content in this article.
Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing do love fresh and timely content and also it grabs the attention of bots to get higher rankings as well as user’s trust. The only problem of spun content is it provides low quality and even unreadable text sometimes as the entire process is automated without any relevant ideas or thoughts which is arguably against the first law of content marketing strategy. The concept of spun article remains same and ironically it changes the keywords too. So what is even the idea of creating automated when no one can understand about the idea of our writing?
Suppose we put a line in the article spinner like
Content Marketing includes writing and marketing of a blog with natural back links.
And it turns out to be
Content advertising incorporates composing and showcasing of a blog with characteristic back links.
So, the basic idea remains same and what all this rewriter does is swapping some words with their synonyms. Publish content with the optimized keyword and unique ideas that is the perfect content marketing strategy to gain some real authority. To build reputation take months or may be years of hard work but at least they pay off later whereas spun content is only a waste of time so utilize the time in “how to create content marketing strategy” with very own thoughts and conclusions. People would love to learn and hear to your ideas.
Writing quality content is hard so instead of Content Marketing some bloggers tend to move towards shortcuts like automated content generation, spinner and rewriter. Google Panda is one of the major change in Google’s Search results ranking algorithm ever that targets “low quality or thin content” in February, 2011. This update rewards high quality websites with valuable content in the Search Engine results. Basically, Panda algorithm update triggers Thin content, Duplicate content, Low-quality content, Lack of authority, Content farming, Low-quality user-generated content (UGC) and High ad-to-content ratio. Low-quality user generated content means human written content fulfilled with short and spelling or grammatical errors with lack of authoritative information.
Easiest Way To Recover From Google’s Panda Algorithm With Content Strategy ?
To recover from Panda update with Content Marketing, remove all the on-site spam like Cloaking, Keyword Stuffing, Auto-generated or spun content and ads over content. Also, make sure to remove all the bad outbound links and excessive ads to get rid of on-page issues. Now, after being done with the bad links and poor content, optimize your website with best content marketing strategy or plan and Go to the Google Search Console and submit reconsideration request. Get your site’s ranking boost with high quality content and natural links with the perfect User Experience. It’s all about content the outstanding remedial actions would be to leave content farming practices, revising the content/ad ratio, keyword optimization, overhauling duplicate content and usage to block the duplicate content indexing.
In last decades, the entire method of news consumption has changed as now consumers do expect quality content in the news.
Social media is one of the easiest way to publish and share the content quickly. This might shocked you that around 27% of traffic comes from Facebook to the news sites and why won’t it be as it is fast loading, interacting, monetizing platform.
The positive side of content aggregators include addition of that personalized matter in the content marketing that helps in better connectivity with the users. Maximize the reach of content to potential visitors. They may help in backlinking and boost the SEO part by saving your time and efforts.
Negative part is it may result in losing a subscriber and further base for the website. In the end, no authorship over the content marketing and also affects the brands visibility by reducing it. Indeed, Content aggregators only promote their own brand, not ours. No information about how many users have bought the content because of lack in transparent relation between aggregator and publisher. Also, most of them don’t have any idea about the targeted audience and ending up by impacting the brand’s image negatively.
Content aggregators are not bad enough if we go only for the legitimate ones who at least knows about your business objectives and curating the content and content marketing. It is a software designed by users to pull data from multiple resources and get it published at one place with automation. Identify, Select, Classify, Arrange and Publish the aggregated information with a link to the original content. Remember, Content aggregation is not same as original content in any form of content marketing.
In short, Content Marketing is desideratum segment of any online business. You can spiral the visibility of your website in google, rank higher in SERP, expand web site traffic, increase leads and sales and enhance the performance of your venture with the help of Content Marketing. Your Content Marketing Plan should be lucid, righteous, coherent but effective. As discussed above you should work on almost all kind of Content Marketing platforms like text, video, social, blogs, forums etc to escalate the brand awareness, company profits and all over business. Remember a thing, Content Marketing will be functional only and only if you plan and execute it properly with specific goal to achieve.
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